Title: Creating Digital Preservation Plans: Leveraging Expertise Across Your Organization

Author(s): Jeanne Kramer-Smyth, Thomas Gremo and Sherrine Thompson

Abstract: The creation of Digital Preservation Plans requires leveraging a wide range of archival expertise. Our panel will discuss each of the components we have identified for inclusion in our preservation plans, along with specific skills and knowledge we depend upon from different parts of our team. Learn how we use a standard framework and leverage the expertise and enthusiasm of our Appraisal, Transfer, Ingest, and Arrangement and Description teams to create thorough and functional Digital Preservation Plans. Session will include recommendations of how to apply our approach at your institution.

Type: Panel

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Title: Rethinking Digital Preservation: Conceptual Foundations

Author(s): Stephen Abrams

Abstract: In support of a multi-year initiative to revitalize its core digital preservation infrastructure, the Harvard Library is engaged in an open-ended exploration of an ideal system solution. The individual components of that ideal cohere into abstract functional and informational reference models, which act as aspirational benchmarks for requirements and subsequent procurement and deployment activities. The models are derived through the logical refinement of a small set of high-level axiomatic principles. These reflect a conceptualization of digital preservation as an inherently communicative enterprise with an ultimate goal of complementing the persistence of authentic digital information objects with that of opportunities for legitimate information experiences.

Type: Long Paper

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Event Timeslots (1)

Wednesday, September 20