How to Contribute
The following contributions will be peer-reviewed before acceptance: long and short papers, panels, posters, workshops, and tutorials. Contributions should explicitly address at least one of the Conference Topics. Individuals submitting proposals that are accepted are required to attend the conference in person or online: registration is mandatory.
Important dates for all peer-reviewed submissions:
- December 5, 2022 – Call for Contributions Published
- March 10, 2023 – Call for Contributions (Peer Reviewed Content) Closes*
- May 31, 2023 – Submission Notifications
Long and Short Papers
Full papers (8-10 pages or 3,500-5,000 words for long papers, and 3-5 pages or 1,200-2,500 words for short papers) are due by March 10th, 2023. Papers are in English. Papers must be novel, reporting on previously unpublished work. Long papers will be given more time to present at the conference than short papers. Short papers are more appropriate for work in progress, progressive ideas that do not yet have results, or and lessons learned from implementation projects. Papers are expected to be published in the proceedings. Both short and long papers will be peer-reviewed by three reviewers.
iPRES 2023 will be a hybrid conference, and proposals are welcome whether or not contributors will be present on-site. The decision to attend in person can be made at the point of registration.
- Template: For long and short paper submissions, authors must use the iPRES 2023 Paper Word template.
- Submission format: Save your submission in the format of the template provided.
- Submission upload: Upload your submission in Word to EasyChair with the following settings:
- Type of submission: ‘Long paper (8-10 pages)’ or ‘Short paper (3-5 pages)’
- Conference Topic(s) Addressed:
- Digital Accessibility, Inclusion, and Diversity
- Sustainability: Real and Imagined
- We’re All in this Together
- From Theory to Practice
- Immersive Information
- Further Instructions: Follow the instructions given in the template to make sure all relevant information is available for the review process.
- Please note: We recommend using Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge to submit your contribution.
If you are unable to use the templates offered, please get in touch via
We invite proposals for thematic panel discussions during the main conference program. Panel sessions bring together complementary or conflicting perspectives on a topic of importance to digital preservation. They should promote discussion, among the panelists, and with the audience. The topic should be innovative, have broad appeal to the conference participants, and clearly relate to one or more of the conference themes. We especially encourage panel submissions to include panelists that will bring diverse perspectives to the topic, and especially voices which have been historically overlooked. An extended abstract of up to 2 pages describing the proposed content and agenda of the panel is required. Panels are invited to submit a report of their discussion to proceedings as a short or long paper but by default only the abstract will be published.
iPRES 2023 will be a hybrid conference, and proposals are welcome whether or not contributors will be present on-site. The decision to attend in person can be made at the point of registration.
- Template: For panel submissions, authors must use the iPRES 2023 Paper Word template.
- Submission format: Save your submission in the format of the template provided.
- Submission upload: Upload your submission in Word to EasyChair with the following settings:
- Type of submission: ‘Panel’
- Conference Topic(s) Addressed:
- Digital Accessibility, Inclusion, and Diversity
- Sustainability: Real and Imagined
- We’re All in this Together
- From Theory to Practice
- Immersive Information
- Further Instructions: Follow the instructions given in the template to make sure all relevant information is available for the review process.
- Please note: We recommend using Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge to submit your contribution.
If you are unable to use the templates offered, please get in touch via
Posters provide a format for emerging issues, works in progress, case studies, and self contained projects and to highlight and share innovative solutions. They require an extended abstract of up to 2 pages that clearly describes the topic to be presented, its relevance to one or more conference themes, and states its unique contribution to the field. Posters should aim to improve knowledge, foreground new capabilities, or share practical solutions, workflows and experiences. More detailed instructions about the format of posters will be provided closer to the time but bearing in mind the conference is hybrid, proposers might want to consider how their ideas can be animated or illustrated beyond the constraints of a printed A2 sheet soin order that it can have an impact beyond the venue. Posters will be published as an abstract in the proceedings, but subject to recommendation of the reviewers and completion by the deadline, these may be written up after the conference as short papers for the proceedings.
iPRES 2023 will be a hybrid conference, and proposals are welcome whether or not contributors will be present on-site. The decision to attend in person can be made at the point of registration.
- Template: For Poster submissions, authors must use the iPRES 2023 Paper Word template.
- Submission format: Save your submission in the format of the template provided.
- Submission upload: Upload your submission in Word to EasyChair with the following settings:
- Type of submission: ‘Poster’
- Conference Topic(s) Addressed:
- Digital Accessibility, Inclusion, and Diversity
- Sustainability: Real and Imagined
- We’re All in this Together
- From Theory to Practice
- Immersive Information
- Further Instructions: Follow the instructions given in the template to make sure all relevant information is available for the review process.
- Please note: We recommend using Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge to submit your contribution.
If you are unable to use the templates offered, please get in touch via
Workshops and Tutorials
Workshops are intended to be hands-on and/or participatory. Proposers are free to decide how to structure and design them whether in person or online. The content should be designed to fit the final program with one or more blocks of ninety minutes each. Workshops might concern the development of a skill, or discussion and collaboration on the topic covered in the workshop. Workshops prioritize group work and participation, with less time dedicated to presentation. Workshop proposers are invited to report their findings as a short paper in the proceedings after the event and the abstract will be published by default.
Tutorials are didactic with an explicit learning intention, the outcome of which focuses on a contained topic presented by expert(s). They are an opportunity for a deep dive into a method or procedure, or to gain experience with tools and standards. Proposers are free to decide how to structure tutorials though some hands-on learning and practical outcome is preferred. They can include time for group discussion of the content covered. By the end of the tutorial, participants are inspired and equipped to deploy their new skills.
Workshops and tutorials proposals should fit the final program and be structured around one or more blocks of ninety minutes each. They may be in person or online, so the proposer should take care to ensure the interaction they envisage is suited to the platform. Experience shows that hybrid tutorials and workshops can be challenging to facilitate and should be avoided.
An abstract for each accepted tutorial and workshop will be published in the proceedings, and participants are encouraged to write about their learning experience for informal publication. An extended abstract of up to 2 pages describing the proposed content and agenda is required for both.
iPRES 2023 will be a hybrid conference, and proposals are welcome whether or not contributors will be present on-site. The decision to attend in person can be made at the point of registration.
- Template: For Workshop and Tutorial submissions, authors must use the iPRES 2023 Paper Word template.
- Submission format: Save your submission in the format of the template provided.
- Submission upload: Upload your submission in Word to EasyChair with the following settings:
- Type of submission: ‘Workshop and Tutorials’
- Conference Topics(s) Addressed:
- Digital Accessibility, Inclusion, and Diversity
- Sustainability: Real and Imagined
- We’re All in this Together
- From Theory to Practice
- Immersive Information
- Further Instructions: Follow the instructions given in the template to make sure all relevant information is available for the review process.
- Please note: We recommend using Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge to submit your contribution.
If you are unable to use the templates offered, please get in touch via