Title: Running Up That Hill: Making Digital Preservation Skills Accessible with Novice to Know-How

Author(s): Sharon McMeekin and Melinda Haunton

Abstract: Over the last three years, The National Archives (UK) and the Digital Preservation Coalition have collaborated on the development of a growing body of training content under the banner of the “Novice to Know-How” learning pathway. The content has proved to be incredibly popular, opening the door to digital preservation training for individuals and organizations that previously had not been able or willing to engage with the topic. This paper will examine the projects motivations, outputs, impact, and future plans.

Type: Long Paper

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Title: From Theory to Practice: Understanding the Evolution of a Digital Preservation Project from Conception to Final Repository. Some Real Cases

Author(s): Almudena Caballos, Chris Knowles, Kate Cawthorn, Antonio Guillermo Martinez and Maria Fuertes

Abstract: Usually, the resulting digital preservation project is very different from its conception.
The theory defined before starting a digital preservation project serves as a guide for the beginning of the project but must be flexible enough to be adapted throughout the implementation to fit the real needs of the organization.
In this panel, representatives of institutions from different GLAM-UR sectors from different countries will speak from their own experience about the evolution of a digital preservation project from its theoretical conception to its real practical implementation.

Type: Panel

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Event Timeslots (1)

Thursday, September 21