Title: Publishing Agricultural Data From the Morrow Plots: the Value and Logistics of Preserving a Long-Term Research Experiment
Author(s): Bethany G. Anderson, Sandi L. Caldrone, Joshua K. Henry, Heidi J. Imker, Andrew J. Margenot and Sarah C. Williams
Abstract: The Morrow Plots at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign are the longest-running continuous experimental agricultural fields in the Americas. At iPRES 2022 we reported on work to curate, preserve, and visualize planting, treatment, and yield data collected from the plots’ nearly 150-year history. This paper provides an update on these efforts over the past year and focuses on the importance of collaborative and interdisciplinary work within the Morrow Plots stakeholder community to publish the dataset, recognize its scientific and cultural value, and identify necessary next steps.
Type: Long Paper
Title: From Community-Supported Values to Action: Operationalizing the Digital Preservation Declaration of Shared Values
Author(s): Hannah Wang, Courtney Mumma and Sibyl Schaefer
Abstract: Operating from a foundation of shared values, the community-supported digital preservation services represented in the Digital Preservation Services Collaborative (DPSC) empower stewards of digital content to make informed decisions by offering transparency and accountability. These values have become increasingly important as resources for digital preservation fail to meet the needs of organizations, forcing many mission-critical digital preservation activities to be outsourced to commercial providers. In the DPSC Planning Project, this group of mission-aligned service providers are working to establish closer and more intentional collaboration between their organizations, in order to guarantee the continued availability of services that prioritize transparency and accountability to the cultural heritage organizations they serve. In this interactive panel, partners from the DPSC Planning Project will discuss the importance of the shared values for digital preservation good practice, how they have enacted these values within their organizations, and other project findings.
Type: Panel
Event Timeslots (1)
Thursday, September 21