Title: Acronym Soup
Author(s): Jenn Roberts
Description: Flash card game using acronyms common to digital preservation but also software development and archival domains.
This game is in-person only. A virtual version of the game will be played on Friday, September 22 at 9:50 AM CT (Ad-Hoc 6).
Time:11:00 AM – 11:40 AM (CT)
Type: Game
Title: Preserving Preservation (Tools)
Author(s): Paul Stokes
Description: Preservation tools come and they go. Some die because they are superseded, some through lack of investment and some because the “owner” disappears.
I’d like to address the following questions:
- What Preservation tools (both open source and proprietary) that are on the decline (or have disappeared) need to be cherished/reinvigorated by the digital preservation community?
- Who needs them?
- Why they should be kept alive (for instance, because they’re niche/unique, because there’s nothing better, because they’re cost/resource effective, etc.)?
- How the revival of such tools should be achieved (particularly how it should be funded)?
- Who should take them on?
If time permits, I’d also like to consider which tools are way past their sell by date.
The format will be an open interactive discussion entering key points and conclusions into a shared on-line document.
Time: 11:50 AM – 12:30 PM (CT)
Type: Birds of a Feather
Event Timeslots (1)
Wednesday, September 20
Room: HH2