Title: Acronym Soup 

Author(s): Jenn Roberts 

Description: Flash card game using acronyms common to digital preservation but also software development and archival domains. 

This game is in-person only. A virtual version of the game will be played on Friday, September 22 at 9:50 AM CT (Ad-Hoc 6). 

Time:11:00 AM – 11:40 AM (CT)

Type: Game 


Title: Preserving Preservation (Tools)

Author(s): Paul Stokes

Description: Preservation tools come and they go. Some die because they are superseded, some through lack of investment and some because the “owner” disappears.
I’d like to address the following questions:

If time permits, I’d also like to consider which tools are way past their sell by date.
The format will be an open interactive discussion entering key points and conclusions into a shared on-line document.

Time: 11:50 AM – 12:30 PM (CT)

Type: Birds of a Feather 

Event Timeslots (1)

Wednesday, September 20
Room: HH2