Title: Birds of a Feather: (f)LOCKSS Together!
Facilitator(s): Snowden Becker
Description: This session is for current LOCKSS members, LOCKSS software users, and the LOCKSS-curious too! iPRES presents our first opportunity in years to come together as a user community, share what’s new with the LOCKSS Program and the rollout of LOCKSS 2.0, and discuss strategic directions and priorities as we head into our third decade of operations.
Time: 9:00 AM – 9:40 AM (CT)
Type: Birds of a Feather
Title: Acronym Soup
Facilitator(s): Jenn Roberts
Description: Flash card game using acronyms common to digital preservation but also software development and archival domains.
Time: 9:50 AM – 10:30 AM (CT)
Type: Game / Remote
Event Timeslots (1)
Thursday, September 21
Room: HH3