Presenter(s): Andrea Goethals, Cynthia Wu, Eld Zierau, Sibyl Schaefer, and Nancy McGovern
Abstract: The Digital Preservation Storage Criteria (“Criteria”) are designed to provide community guidance for organizations that either use or provide digital preservation storage. Currently on its fourth iteration, the Criteria have been mapped to relevant information security and digital preservation standards such as ISO 14721 (OAIS) and ISO 16363 (Audit and certification of trustworthy digital repositories). This standards mapping exercise has led to many changes in the Criteria. The authors propose a workshop to get feedback from participants on key elements of the draft fourth version of the Digital Preservation Storage Criteria (“Criteria”).
This workshop will provide participants with an introduction to the Criteria and then will lead the participants in group exercises designed to test the assumptions and work behind draft version 4 of the Criteria. The expected outcomes are a deeper understanding of considerations for digital preservation storage by the participants, and feedback to the Criteria working group on draft version 4 before it is published after the conference.
Event Timeslots (2)
Tuesday, September 19
Part One
Tuesday, September 19
Part Two