Title: Digital Accessibility, Inclusion and Diversity Digitization of Indigenous Agricultural Knowledge in Shaping Food Security Across the Kenyan Coastal Region
Author(s): Maureen Kenga
Abstract: According to Gilman (1917), food problem is related to three questions: First, “how to produce the most food with the least cost in time, labor and money,” second, how to swiftly, efficiently and economically distribute it to consumers, and, third, how to prepare and serve healthy food, without spending too much money, time, and effort. Since then, considerable progress has been made in improving food supply and facilitating meal preparation. This paper looks at the importance of digitizing the indigenous farming methods that can be incorporated with the emerging trends in present agriculture playing a significant role in ensuring food security. This paper is submitted to iPRESS 2023 as a poster aimed at improving indigenous agricultural knowledge with a base for new capabilities in providing solutions matters food security. The paper addresses the conference topic: Digital accessibility, Inclusion, and Diversity.
Title: Giving Access To Born-Digital Archives at the Archives Nationales (France): The Oedipus Riddle
Author(s): Emeline Levasseur, André Falut, Julien Fenech and Matias Ferrera
Abstract: Born-digital archives, managed in a repository, are accessible thanks to the delivery of Dissemination Information Packages (DIP). While the DIP is a machine-readable format, it is not easily intelligible for the end user. In practice, making DIP truly accessible appears like a riddle. To make it more human-readable, a DIP must undergo some processing outside the repository and be converted in a new form, which should be discussed. These operations call into question the integrity of the archives, which was ensured until their delivery by the system. How, then, can archivists keep data trustworthy? Following recent requests for access, the Archives nationales (France) have provided some answers that could be used as a basis for discussion to solve this OeDIPus riddle. Their experience was one of moving from theory to practice, leading to the creation of an in-house proof-of-concept (POC) and tool: OE-DIP (Objets et Empreintes de DIP, Objects and Checksums of DIP).
Title: Establishing an Open-Source Package “Archive”
Author(s): Euan Cochrane and Rafael Gieschke
Abstract: Many Linux-based operating systems use a package management system that enables users to install a wide range of applications using one or more simple workflows, without needing to find and download the applications from their original publishers. The package management systems also resolve dependencies for users by finding and installing any dependent-applications or “packages” that are needed in order to run the application that the user is trying to install. These workflows greatly improve the experience of working with the operating systems and save a great deal of time for the end-users. When setting up the Emulation as a Service Infrastructure (EaaSI) platform to work with Linux-based operating systems we have encountered a number of issues when working with the operating systems’ built-in Package Management Systems (PKMS). The PKMSs usually include a list of servers that host the packages that the PKMS can install for the user. We have found that often those lists are out-of-date and point to servers that no longer exist. In some cases, it is impossible or nearly impossible to find alternative servers that are still actively serving the packages, and where they are available the speed/bandwidth is often much slower/limited for packages for older operating system versions than it was when the operating systems were current. Even when an alternative server can be found that is still actively serving the packages for a legacy operating system, the average end-user can often struggle to understand how to point the PKMS at a custom server as this often requires editing relatively obscure configuration files within the Operating System.
Title: Procuring IT Systems – Thinking about digital preservation from the start
Author(s): Michael Popham, Jenny Mitcham and Paul Wheatley
Abstract: This poster presents one of the final outputs produced from a collaborative project between the Digital Preservation Coalition and the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority in the UK, “Digital preservation requirements for procuring IT systems”. This addition to the Digital Preservation Coalition’s Procurement Toolkit proposes the requirements that should be considered when procuring an IT system (for example an EDRMS, DAMS, or GIS) that may ultimately contain at least some records or digital content that needs to be retained beyond the life of the system.
Title: Embedding Preservability: Iframes in Complex Scholarly Publications
Author(s): Karen Hanson, Jonathan Greenberg, Thib Guicherd-Callin, Scott Witmer and Angela T. Spinazzè
Abstract: As part of a research project, a small team of preservation experts has been embedded within publisher workflows to analyze the challenges associated with preserving complex scholarly publications. As the project reaches the midway point, patterns are emerging regarding preservation-friendly practices that could potentially be incorporated into production processes and platforms to support preservation at scale. One common threat to the preservability of the analyzed publications is the inclusion of web pages that are hosted by a third party (e.g., YouTube videos, ArcGIS visualizations) within the text using iframes. The team is exploring methods to improve preservability in such instances while considering the constraints of the project partners and the requirement that preservation services can scale their processes across numerous publications.
Title: Plus Ça Change…? Eight years after the end of the 4C project, what next for the Curation Costs Exchange?
Author(s): Paul Stokes and Sarah Middleton
Abstract: A poster describing the functionality of the Curations Costs Exchange and the Cost Comparison Tool (outputs of the 4C Project), how they’ve been used by the community, considerations underway regarding their future, the mechanism used to consult the community and (assuming the consultation and considerations are complete) their ultimate fate.
Title: Introducing Tabula: The University of Minnesota Libraries Digital Preservation System
Author(s): Carol Kussmann
Abstract: The University of Minnesota Libraries’ journey with preserving digital materials has been a long one. After completing an RFP for a preservation system, and then testing that system for multiple years, we decided it was not the system for us. Over 2021 and 2022, we took our requirements along with the lessons we learned from testing, and began to design our own preservation system. Our main goal with this new system is to preserve the unique materials of the Libraries and to be able to provide access to staff that need copies of preservation files for publication or research requests. This poster highlights the development process of Tabula, our digital preservation system.
Title: From Redaction to Access: Navigating Challenges to Unlock Houston’s LGBTQ Media History
Author(s): Emily Vinson and Bethany Scott
Abstract: The Gulf Coast LGBT Radio and Television Digitization Project launched in 2020 to digitize, preserve, describe, and make accessible thousands of hours of Houston’s LGBTQ broadcast history. The authors explain the significance of the programs selected for inclusion in the project and describe the steps taken to balance the goal of equitable access to unique materials created by and for a marginalized community while maintaining adherence to copyright restrictions. The authors hope that the approach described will be a helpful model to others seeking to make audiovisual collections more accessible and that the materials included in the project will prove to be a valuable historical resource for decades to come.
Title: A national repository platform for sharing the challenges of long-term digital curation of research data
Author(s): Arif Shaon, Marcin Werla and Alwaleed Alkhaja
Abstract: Qatar National Library has launched a research repository named Manara to address the need for curating, preserving, and enabling Open Access to Qatari research output. The repository aims to operate on a consortium-based service model that allows sharing the overall responsibility of curating and preserving a wide variety of research outputs between the Library and key partner institutions, thereby developing a sustainable ecosystem for research outputs in Qatar. The poster presents the work done to establish Manara, including the underlying technical and operational model.
Title: PREMIS in a Page
Author(s): Karin Bredenberg, Eld Zierau and Jack O’Sullivan
Abstract: This poster from the PREMIS Editorial Committee will provide a high level overview of the PREMIS data model, aimed at providing an introduction to those who are unfamiliar with it.
Title: Metadata That Excludes: A Case Study of the Rock Springs Massacre in Digital Collections
Author(s): Yingying Han, Ruohua Han and Karen Wickett
Abstract: We make metadata to provide access to materials. But metadata can reinforce silences and harmful narratives in digital archival collections. In this short paper we use the Rock Springs Massacre of 1885 as a case study to understand archival silence around the experiences of Chinese people in United States in the 19th century. We present initial results of an ongoing critical collection building exercise. We have identified three ways in which metadata contributes to archival silence in digital collections: absent categories, overly narrow subject descriptions, and emphasis on foreignness and difference.
Title: The What, Why and How of a Digital Preservation DPS
Author(s): Paul Stokes and Karen Colbron
Abstract: Jisc are considering implementing a Dynamic Purchasing system for members to use when procuring a Digital Preservation System. This poster shows what a DPS is and the process we’re undergoing to decide if we will provide a DPS. In effect, how we’re building a robust business case to provide a DPS for our members.