iPRES 2023 Bake Off:
Call for Committee Members
iPRES 2023 is looking for 5 volunteers to manage this year’s Digital Preservation Bake-Off Challenge. The Bake-Off has been a popular and exciting part of previous iPRES conferences, and we want to continue the tradition for 2023!

iPres 2022 Bake-Off, Glasgow
The Bake-Off showcases digital preservation tools by having developers and/or vendors compete on specific tasks with a shared set of data. The tasks relate to any number of digital preservation themes, such as integrating digital preservation into line-of-business systems, thorny content types, metadata extraction and handling, meeting user requirements, scaling up, web-archiving, or achieving greater efficiencies while not sacrificing quality of outcomes. Attendees see real-time application & tool demos, and developers and vendors get to show how their tools or systems solve real-world problems.
Committee member tasks
- Prepare the call for proposals to developers & vendors
- Review the existing data sets and determine what new data is needed
- Review the existing tasks and determine if there are new feasible tasks for the competition
- Evaluate the proposals and assemble the Bake-Off program
- Serve on the Bake-Off panel of judges
- April 21: Deadline to volunteer
- May 8: Call for Bake-Off Proposals published
- July 7: Deadline for Bake-Off proposals
The Bake-Off typically takes place in 3 sessions on a single day. You can view the iPres 2022 Bake Off Challenge linked below!
If you’re interested in helping with the 2023 Digital Preservation Bake-Off, or if you just want to learn more, please contact ipres2023@gmail.com