Title: Community Archives at the Digital Repository of Ireland
Author(s): Lisa Griffith and Kevin Long
Abstract: The Community Archive Scheme is a bottom-up method of community engagement that the Digital Repository of Ireland (DRI) uses to work directly with no, or low, income groups who have digital material to preserve. The usual depositors of material to DRI are organisations with a long history of archiving who select their collections for preservation but through this scheme, we work in a hands-on way to provide digital preservation to as wide a range of groups as possible. The scheme celebrates its fifth anniversary in 2023 and during this period DRI has worked with nine voluntary groups to help preserve material on a variety of topics including the experience of immigrants in Ireland, maternal health, built heritage, LGBT rights and activism in Ireland. The types of material that we are working to preserve through this scheme vary from photographs of artists’ works such as quilts, audio-visual material such as community documentaries, and documentaries produced for digital radio and social media. This paper will discuss how the scheme evolved, how these organisations have strengthened DRI as an organisation as well as making our community and collections more equitable and diverse, challenges we have encountered, some of the solutions we have developed, where our successes have come from and some of the future developments we are exploring so that we can continue to work with these groups.
Type: Short Paper
Title: Preserving online journalistic content in disruptive times: The case of collection.news
Author(s): Lok Hei Lui
Abstract: Journalistic content is a crucial part of history, yet its longevity always remains uncertain without proper curation and preservation. This is true in particular when it comes to journalistic content under authoritarian regime contexts, where freedom of the press and information freedom are usually in vain. The article explores the case of collection.news, a community initiative that crawled, disseminated and hosted the journalistic content of Apple Daily, a pro-democracy media outlet that was forcibly shut down by the authority in Hong Kong. By discussing the key events and tools used by collection.news initiative, the three distinctive features of it, namely exigency, decentralization, and anonymity, are highlighted. Finally, suggestions to the digital preservation field for supporting these community initiatives in authoritarian regimes will be given.
Type: Short Paper
Title: Multilingual Labels for Digital Preservation
Author(s): Katherine Thornton and Kenneth Seals-Nutt
Abstract: We introduce a technique for finding multilingual translations for lists of words using technologies of the Semantic Web.
We present four subsets of data from Wikidata and Wikipedia as sources of multilingual labels. Our sample dataset consists of seven terms related to digital preservation. We compare the number of labels we can source for these terms from other human languages via SPARQL queries using the Wikidata Query Service. After discussing the composition of each subset, we detail their advantages and disadvantages. Providing multilingual labels as additional access points for resources such as ontologies, vocabularies and user interfaces for applications increases the relevance of these resources to a larger percentage of the global population. Increasing multilingual access promotes inclusion for a broader range of people, which leads to greater diversity in the digital preservation community.
Type: Long Paper
Event Timeslots (1)
Thursday, September 21