Server-Side Web Archiving Using ReproZip-Web

Presenter(s): Katherine Boss, Vicky Rampin, Remi Rampin, and Ilya Kreymer Abstract: Current client-side, or “static,” web archiving crawlers have been tremendously successful in capturing and archiving millions of pages of the internet. Unfortunately, over the decades the web has evolved beyond the reach of many of these crawlers, and today’s static crawlers fail to capture […]

PREMIS Implementation Fair Workshop, Exchanging Experiences using PREMIS

Presenter(s): Karin Bredenberg, Micky Lindlar, Sarah Romkey and Marjolein Steeman Abstract: This workshop functions as a meeting ground for PREMIS practitioners, researchers, and curious onlookers. As opposed to PREMIS tutorials, which focus on introducing the data model and data dictionary, the PREMIS Implementation Fair focuses on work currently undertaken by the Editorial Committee as well […]

Storage and Standards: Shaping Version 4 of the DP Storage Criteria

Presenter(s): Andrea Goethals, Cynthia Wu, Eld Zierau, Sibyl Schaefer, and Nancy McGovern Abstract: The Digital Preservation Storage Criteria (“Criteria”) are designed to provide community guidance for organizations that either use or provide digital preservation storage. Currently on its fourth iteration, the Criteria have been mapped to relevant information security and digital preservation standards such as […]

This Is Fedora 6.x

Presenter(s): Arran Griffith and Dan Field Abstract: Fedora 6.x is the newest, most modern version of the software, representing a significant change in the preservation standards and backend infrastructure from previous versions. This modernization of the software provides users a more robust preservation platform, while giving the community back the data transparency they appreciated from […]

Preserving Email Attachments with Attachment Converter

Presenter(s): Matt Teichman, Obi Obetta and Nischchay Karle Abstract: I. WORKSHOP CONTENT Email increasingly forms a core portion of many archives, and while tools are available for basic preservation of email messages, less consideration has been given to archival preservation and control of email attachments. It is essential to future research that these important records are […]